Fundamentals of Entomology
Points to Remember before attend the quiz...,
✓Insect body wall is called as Integument or Exoskeleton.
✓Endocuticle and exocuticle put together are called as procuticle.
✓the head capsule excluding appendages formed by the fusion of several sclerites is known as cranium.
✓ The cuticular parts discarded during moulting is known as exuvia.
✓Apolysis is a detachment of cuticle from epidermis.
✓Grouping of body segments into distinct regions is known as
tagmosis and the body regions are called as tagmata.
✓Thoracic sterna is made up of a
segmental plate called eusternun and an intersternite called spinasternum.
✓Abdominal segments are
telescopic in nature and are interconnected by a membrane called conjunctiva.
✓Hypognathous: (Hypo-below ; gnathous-jaw)
✓Prognathous: (Pro-infront ; ganthous-jaw)
✓Opisthognathuos: (Opistho-benind; gnathuos-jaw).
✓Johnston's organ is present in the pedicel, which is used as a chordatonal organ
in some of the insects like mosquitoes.
✓The remaining annuli or flagellomeres are known as flagellum or clavola.
✓Hypopharynx is a tongue like organ.