Fundamentals of Entomology

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Some Important points are below the quiz.
Chapter = 25 to 29


Taxonomy is the science of classification.

 It can be defined as placing biological organisms or forms in order.

 Simpson (1961)has defined taxonomy as the theoretical study of classification including basis, principles, procedures and rules.

 Stages of taxonomy: The taxonomy of any group passes through several stages. 

(i) Alpha taxonomy (ฮฑ) : It is concerned with naming and characterisation of species. 

(ii) Beta taxonomy (ฮฒ) : Concerned with classification 

(iii) Gama taxonomy (ฮณ) : Concerned with evolutionary relations and phylogeny.

Classification is mainly based on evolutionary relationship and not based on superficial resemblance. 

Points considered while classifying are 

(i) external structure,

 (ii) internal characters,

 (iii) developmental history,

 (iv) physiological data and

 (v) cytogenetic data.

The biological system of classification is called hierarchial concept of classification. 

This was introduced by Carl Von Linnaeus (1758).

Systematic position of Indian honey-bee 

* 1. Kingdom: Animalia 

* 2. Phylum: Arthropoda

 * 3. Class: Insecta 

 4. Sub class: Pterygota 

* 5. Order: Hymenoptera 

 6. Suborder: Apocrita

 7. Super family: Apioidea

 * 8. Family: Apidae 

 9. Subfamily: Apinae 

* 10. Genus: Apis

 * 11. Species: indica (* - Obligate, while others optional).

Functions of species

 i. Reproductive community: The individuals of the species are able to recognise each other as potential mate and seek each other for the purpose of reproduction.

 ii. An ecological unit: Irrespective of the number of individuals they act as a unit and interact with the individuals of other species with which they share the habitat. 

iii. A genetic unit: it consists of a large number of intercommunicating gene pool in which the individual is a temporary reservoir holding a portion of genes for a short period. Body text young one by parthenogenesis. i. Larval paedogenesis - e.g. gall midges.

 Scientific name: The system of naming organisms using two words is called Binomial nomenclature (Trinomial nomenclature if three words are used).

 This system of naming gives accurate information.

 It is universal and is accepted in all parts of the world. The rule regarding the naming of organisms is contained in International code for zoological nomenclature.

 Normally there are two names, the first name is the generic name and the second name is the species name. The names that follow the generic name are called Trivial names. The trivial names may be either species or a subspecies name. e.g. Head louse: Pediculus humanus captis

 Insects can be identified through an expert, by comparing the available collections, using photographs and pictures and by using taxonomic keys. 

Key is a tabular statement presenting alternatives, describing about the features of an organism. 
Key can be classified based on evolutionary principles also as phylogenetic key and arbitrary key

 (i) Phylogenetic key: The key is based on the evolutionary relationship. The group appears only once in the phylogenetic key. 

(ii) Arbitrary key : The taxa or group appears at several places in the key. It has more advantages.

 Characters of class Insecta 

1. Body is divided into three regions

 2. In head a pair of antenna and a pair of compound eyes are usually present.

 3. Thorax is the centre of locomotion with, 3 pairs of five jointed legs and two pairs of wings.

 4. Excretion is mainly through malpighian tubules.

 5. Tracheal system of respiration well developed. 

6. Brain is divided into protocerebrum, deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum.

1. Thysanura - Silverfish (Thysan-fringed, Ura-tail) 

2. Collembola- Springtail or snowflea (coll-glue; embol-peg)

 3. Protura - Proturans or Telsontail (Pro-first, Ura-tail) 

4. Diplura - Diplurans or Japygids (Di-two; Ura-tail)

 Study of insect orders 

Synonyms : Ectognatha, Ectotrophi 
Etymology : Thysan - fringe; ura – tail.
 Common names : Silverfish, Fire brat, Bristle tail

 Synonyms : Oligentoma, Oligoentomata 
Etymology : coll-glue; embol - wedge or peg. 
Common names : Spring tail, Snow flea

 Synonyms : Ephemerida, Plectoptera
 Etymology : Ephemero-living for a day; ptera-wing 
 Common names : Mayflies, Shadflies, Dayflies


Etymology : Odon - tooth

 Common names : Dragonflies and damselflies 

 Synonyms : Saltatoria, Saltatoptera
 Etymology : Ortno - straight; ptera-wings.
 Common names : Grasshoppers, Locust, Katydid, Cricket, Mole cricket 

Synonyms : Phasmodea, Phasmatodea 
Etymology : Phasma - an apparition 
Common names : Stick insects, Leaf insects

 Synonyms : Euplexoptera, Euplecoptera 
Etymology : Derma - skin; ptera - wing 
Common names : Earwig

Synonyms : Embiodea, Embiidina 
Etymology : Embia-lively; ptera-wings 
Common names : Embiids, Webspinners

Synonyms : Oothecaria, Blattiformia 
Etymology : Dictyon - net work; ptera - wings 
Common names : Cockroaches and preying mantids

 Synonyms : Termitina, Termitida,Socialia 
Etymology : Iso - equal; ptera - wing.
 Common names : Termites, White ants 

 Synonyms : Corrodentia, Copeognatha 
Etymology : Psoco-rub small; ptera – wings ;Psochos-dust like. 
Common names : Book lice, Bark lice, Dust lice
Synonyms : Phthirapters
 Etymology : Mall-wool; phaga-eat. 
Common names : Chewing lice, Biting lice, Bird lice

 Synonyms : Anoplura 
Etymology : Siphunculus - a little tube 
Common names : Sucking lice

Synonym : Rhynchota
 Etymology : Hemi - half; ptera - wing 
Common name : True bug

Important families of heteroptera 
1. Gerridae: (Jesus bugs, Water striders, or Pond skater)
 2. Reduviidae: (Assassin bugs, Kissing bugs or cone nose bugs) 
3. Cimicidae: (Bed bugs) 
4. Tingidae: (Lacewing bugs) 
5. Miridae: (Plant bugs or Leaf bugs) 
6. Lygaeidae: (Seed bugs or Chinch bugs) 
7. Pyrrhocoridae: (Red bugs or Stainers) 
8. Coreidae: (Squash bugs or leaf footed bugs)
 9. Pentatomidae: (Stink bugs or Shield bugs) 
10. Nepidae: (Water scorpions) 
11. Belostomatidae: (Giant water bugs or electric light bugs)

 Synonyms : Physopoda 
Etymology : Thysano - fringe; ptera - wings
 Common name : Thrips

Etymology : Neuro-nerve; ptera - wings.
 Common names : Lace wings, Ant lions, Mantispidflies, Owlflies.

 Etymology : Di-two; ptera-wing 
Common names : True flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats, Midges

Synonym : Elytroptera
 Etymology : Coleo - Sheath ; ptera-wing
 Common names : Beetles, Weevils

Etymology : Hymen - membrane; ptera - wings.
 Hymeno - god of marriage; ptera - wings,
 (Marriage / union of fore and hind wings by hamuli) 
Common names : Ichneumonflies, Ants, Bees, Wasps, Parasitoids.

Synonym : Glossata
Etymology : Lepido - scale; ptera - wings.
Common names : Moths, Butterflies, Skippers

Traps can be used for collecting different types of insects.
 Food lure trap - Flies
 Sex lure trap - Moths
 Water trap - Brown plant hopper
 Light trap - Positively phototropic insects
 Sticky trap - White flies
 Suction trap - White flies