• Plasmadesmata are tubular extension of the plasma membrane ,40 to 50 nm in diameter,that traverse the cell wall and connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cell. 
  • Aqueous ground phase of mitochondria is called as matrix.
  • Mitochondria are often called as Power 🏠 of cell.
  • Cell sap maintains the osmotic relation of cell.
  • The Organelle discovered by Beevers (1961).
  • Specific heat of water is 1 Calorie.
  • Water potential value for pure water is 0.
  • The upward movement of water is called as Ascent of sap.
  • Thylakoids enclose a continuous fluid space noun as the lumen.
  • Chlorophyll consist of a tetrapyrrole ring coordinator to a magnesium atom ring nitrogen. It also contains "Phytol tail".
  • Phycobillins also contain for viral rings but lack magnesium and  phytol chain.
  • Mobile elements ; N,P,K,S and Mg
  • Immobile elements ; Ca,Fe and B
  • Intermediate in mobility ; Zn,Mn,Cu,Mo
  • Hydration of water on the surface of leaves through specializedpores called as Hydathodes.
  • Drops of water found on grass in early morning are often the result of guttation.
  • Types of transpiration,
 ✓ stomatal transpiration ; it is the most important type of transpiration constitutes 52-97 percentage that total transpiration. it takes place through the stomata on leaves.

cuticular or Epidermal transpiration ; it takes place through the epidermal cells of the leaves and other exposed aerial parts like herbaceous stem, flower, etc. the cuticle layer where is inversely with thickness.

lenticular transpiration ; it is found only in Woody stems and roots lentils tentacles connect atmospheric tap with other water saturated cortical cells . photo water is lost from the corticular cells.

  •  Stomata are minute pore of elliptical shape surrounded by to specialised epidermal cells known as guard cells.
  • The portion of awesome guard guard cell wall lying close to stomatal apperture is thick and inelastic.
  • The epidermal cells surrounding guard cells are specialised subsidiary cells they support the movement of guard cells.
  • The size, and a number of stomata of guard cells vary from plant to plant.
  • Imbition : Sachs(1878) supported the view that ascent of SAP take place by ambition through the walls of xylem.
  • Transpiration pull and cohesion half water theory was originally proposed by dixon and jolly later supporter and elaborated by dixon. This theory is very convincing and has now been widely supported by many workers. due to transpiration,there is continuous loss of water from aerial part of plants.
  • Root pressure theory ; root pressure is generated by the osmotic pressure of the cortical cells of the root. This theory explains that root pressure is responsible for forcing up water from root to leaves.
  • Vital theory ; according to vital theories the ascent of SAP is under the control of vital activities in the stem.